At some point in your life, you're going to come to an intersection where you might resent the choices you make.
Admittedly, when it comes to picking something, I could never decide which is the best because surely, when that time comes, the few choices that we are left with is the best out of million others.
This year I decided to continue on in ASASIpintar. I remain here for my third year, completing foundation studies instead of high school now. Along the way, I did get other interesting (and most probably what other calls better) offers than here.
There was one from UPM, UTP foundation and Taylor's. But in the end, I chose to remain. 20% of that decision admittedly, contributed a lot by my dad who insisted I remain here.
And so, here I am. Finals are 3 days away. That will decide whether I'll remain after this or now. Insyaallah, whatever happens after this is god will and god knows best for all of us.
I do regret having to pass up some offer but maybe, just maybe it would have been worse for me to leave this place,which unconciously I had come to care and love for.
I made my choice. I guess we'll have to wait and see if it's the right one.
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